Metro for Transit & motorcoach Business
As the energy transition to electric transportation such as electric buses and trucks gains market momentum and political support, AMPLY Power is now delivering 100% clean energy to its electric fleet customers. The Charging-as-a-Service innovator now ensures only California-sourced renewable power from wind and solar sources is used by its California fleet customers to reduce the effects of climate change through the adoption of clean energy. AMPLY is already managing multiple gigawatt-hours of energy per year for its California customers.
“For any transit authority looking to make the switch to electric vehicle operations, guaranteeing that the energy we are using is renewable and carbon neutral, furthering our commitment to zero-emission transportation,” said Steve Ponte, COO of Tri Delta Transit. “AMPLY is over-delivering on this promise with its intelligent Charging-as-a-Service platform ultimately helping us realize a 40 percent savings.”
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